Food Safety - Safe Temperatures for Cooking Meat and Poultry

Roasted Chicken with thermometer

Is it done yet?

An instant-read food thermometer is a good defense against food borne illnesses.

Use it toward the end of the cooking time, but before the food is expected to be "done."

Make sure to place it in the thickest part of the meat and that it's not touching the bone.

Check the temperature in several places to make sure the food is evenly heated.

Clean your food thermometer before and after every use with soap and water.

The recommended safe minimal internal temperatures for various meats are:

  • Beef, Pork, Veal, and Lamb steaks, chops, and roasts - 145° F and allow the meat to rest for at least 3 minutes.

  • Fish - 145° F

  • Ham - 145° F and allow the meat to rest for at least 3 minutes.

  • Ground meats - 160° F

  • All Poultry - 165° F

Last reviewed 1/2015


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