High Blood Pressure
The Facts About High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension, is when your blood pressure, the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels, is consistently too high.

Self-Check Plan for High Blood Pressure Management!
If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, it's important for you to manage and keep track of symptoms and report any sudden changes to your health care team. For each category, please select the option that best describes your current experience.
What's your Upper Number (Systolic mm Hg)?
Please select the option that best describe's your current experience.
What's your Lower Number (Diastolic mm Hg)?
Please select the option that best describe's your current experience.

Elevated - Use Caution!
Check in - Your symptoms may indicate a need to contact your doctor of health care team.
Hypertension - Stage I
Check in - Your symptoms may indicate a need to contact your doctor of health care team.
Hypertension - Stage II
Check in - You need to contact your doctor of health care team.
Hypertensive Crisis - Medical Alert - Warning!
Call your physician or call 911 - you need to be evaluated right away.
High blood pressure is a silent killer
- Most of the time there are no obvious symptoms.
- Certain physical traits and lifestyle choices can put you at a greater risk for high blood pressure.
- When left untreated, the damage that high blood pressure does to your circulatory system is a significant contributing factor to heart attack, stroke and other health threats.
Uh oh, it appears that there was a network issue.

Learn How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
It's important to know how to do it correctly, especially if your doctor has recommended that you regularly monitor your blood pressure.

Health Insurance Marketplace
The open enrollment period for 2023 coverage is complete, but you can still get health insurance if you qualify due to a life event. Visit HealthCare.gov(link opens in new window) to learn more.
Use these resources to learn more about finding health insurance:
- Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Plan (PDF)(link opens in new window) | Spanish (PDF)(link opens in new window)
- Marketplace Application Checklist (PDF)(link opens in new window) | Spanish (PDF)(link opens in new window)
- Things to know about the Health Insurance Marketplace (PDF)(link opens in new window) | Spanish (PDF)(link opens in new window)
Support That Empowers
Recovery from a heart condition becomes so much more manageable when you have the right kind of emotional support. We’re an online community of patients, survivors and caregivers who know what you’re going through and can help you find your footing on the path to better health.