Professional Resources

A portfolio of content dedicated to the cardiovascular and stroke professional.
stock photo of group of medical workers looking at data

Our organization was founded by cardiologists. To this day, we strive to support professionals in the fight against cardiovascular disease and stroke.  You can rely on the American Heart Association for credible science, guidelines and statements and a wealth of resources.

Join us and make a difference. AHA Professional Members enjoy many unique benefits, including opportunities to network with other healthcare professionals and scientists. You can join or renew for as little as $84 per year.

We’re here for you.

We make it our mission to support professionals in the field. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Professional Heart Daily

Professional Heart Daily describes the AHA’s Professional Membership, Scientific Councils, Education, Meetings, and Research programs. The site also offers access to Guidelines and Statements, Journals, Science News and Communities.
scientific sessions 2018 stage rehearsal

American Stroke Association

As a division of the American Heart Association, the American Stroke Association is dedicated to fighting stroke. Visit our Stroke Resource Center for the tools you need to facilitate stroke prevention, treatment and recovery.
stroke patient

CPR & ECC: A Lifesaving Focus

The AHA plays a leading role in CPR and ECC (Emergency Cardiovascular Care) education. Our education initiatives continue to demonstrate resuscitation quality improvement for enterprises large and small.
CPR group

Quality Improvement

The AHA wants to equip professionals with the tools and resources necessary to improve care as well as patient outcomes. Learn how our quality programs can benefit your organization.