Cooking Technique - Microwave Asparagus


About one pound of asparagus will serve four.

To keep asparagus fresh longer, cut the off the ends of the stems and wrap the bottom of the bunch with a damp paper towel. Use within 3 or 4 days.

Wash asparagus and cut off the tough ends, usually about the bottom 2 inches. Thin asparagus does not need to be peeled. Asparagus with thick stems should be peeled because the skin is usually tough and stringy.

Remove the skin from the bottom of the stems (about 3 inches) with a vegetable peeler. It is best to cook asparagus whole.

Put asparagus into a microwave safe dish. Add 2 tablespoons of broth or water. Add pepper or other seasoning if desired. Cover and microwave on high for about 5 minutes, or until cooked to your liking.


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