Our Work
Food is Medicine Initiative
The Rockefeller Foundation & Food
The Rockefeller Foundation aims to increase access to healthy and sustainable foods for 40 million underserved people around the globe with solutions that benefit human health, protect the planet, and create more equitable opportunities globally. Learn more about The Rockefeller Foundation’s commitment to good food: Food - The Rockefeller Foundation.
American Heart Association, Food, and Access to Health Care
For decades, the American Heart Association has been a leader on both nutrition and expanding access to health care: two components critical to the adoption of Food is Medicine interventions.
From scientific statements, to advocacy, to community-level Food is Medicine work, explore the American Heart Association’s commitments to food and health care access below:

Food & Nutrition
- New look at nutrition research identifies 10 features of a heart-healthy eating pattern
- Life’s Essential 8 scientific statement
- Medical Nutrition Therapy Policy Position 2022 (PDF)
- Policy recommendations offer strategies to close ‘significant gaps’ in nutrition security
Community Impact:
Consumer Health:
Access to Health Care
- Call to Action for Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Epidemiology, Awareness, Access, and Delivery of Equitable Health Care: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association
- Leveraging Implementation Science for Cardiovascular Health Equity: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association