Guidelines for Requests to Translate American Heart Association Materials

General Guidelines

Permission may be granted to translate AHA material if the request meets these criteria:
  • Translated materials are not to be sold or used in a commercial or for profit venture
  • The material may not be altered or adapted
  • A physician or medical expert fluent in English and the translated language must send a letter on professional letterhead, stating that they will review the translation.
  • After the translation has been completed, we will need another letter from the medical expert verifying that they have reviewed the translation and that it is accurate.

International Requests

Requests to translate and distribute AHA materials outside of the United States may take an additional 30 business days to process. Because copyright laws differ by country it may be cost prohibitive for the American Heart Association to grant this type of request.


If the request is granted the following fees will be assessed:
  • Print only--$100.00
  • Electronic only--$150.00
    See Electronic Use Guidelines for more information
  • Electronic and Print--$200.00
    See Electronic Use Guidelines for more information

Fees must be paid in US dollars via a check written on a US bank or via International money order. All taxes, exchange rates ;and fees must be calculated so that the amount of payment is the full amount due in US dollars.

Permission Cannot Be Granted To

  • Translate recipes
  • To translate the requested AHA material into more than two languages
  • To translate material into variation of the English language such as Europeanize