Working Together for Healthier Communities
CVS Health

CVS Health has proudly supported the mission of the American Heart Association since 2017 as a national sponsor of the Go Red for Women movement. CVS has raised tens of millions of dollars to help women better understand their heart health risks while advancing our understanding of how to treat, beat and prevent cardiovascular disease in women. In 2020, the CVS Health Foundation worked to expand the commitment started by CVS Health through a two-year, $1 million grant to combat youth vaping and tobacco use. This work is urgent because it affects one in five teens. Despite challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, CVS Health did not waiver in its dedication to women’s health or the American Heart Association by renewing support for Go Red for Women.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

With the support of a three-year, $8.6 million commitment by Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation, the American Heart Association will help people with high cholesterol and associated cardiovascular disease. The Integrated ASCVD Management Initiative will work across the health care system. And, it will leverage the AHA’s inpatient and outpatient quality improvement programs to focus on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and related risk factors.
“Cardiovascular disease has long been the number one cause of human mortality in the United States, and the urgency to address this health challenge in new ways has only increased as COVID-19 has disrupted diagnosis and treatment,” said
Vas Narasimhan, chief executive officer, Novartis.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc./Lilly USA, LLC

IMPLEMENT-HF, the nationwide heart failure initiative, supported by founding sponsor Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and national sponsor Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc./Lilly USA, LLC, is designed to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients. This unprecedented $15 million joint funding supports the American Heart Association’s efforts to enhance treatment and patient education. The initiative seeks to increase the healthy time at home for all patients with heart failure and reduce deaths by 5%.
“This will be a large initiative to include primarily ambulatory patients across the country with varying demographics and types of health care systems, aimed at reducing heart failure mortality by improving health care quality and providing patient support,” said Mariell Jessup, M.D., FAHA, cardiologist and chief science and medical officer for the American Heart Association.
Quest Diagnostics Foundation

As part of a shared strategic focus on addressing disparities in health care, the American Heart Association and Quest Diagnostics are supporting and expanding research and health care career opportunities of over 100 diverse students at nearly 30 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) over the next two years with an investment of more than $3 million. Quest is also working with the AHA to provide evidence-based high blood pressure resources to community health centers in under-resourced communities most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Addressing health inequity in today’s unprecedented environment will require novel and disruptive approaches and solutions,” said Steve Rusckowski, chairman, chief executive officer and president of Quest Diagnostics. “We are proud to team up with the American Heart Association on our shared goals to advance innovative solutions like the Scholars programs, hypertension control and COVID-19 rapid response to help empower better health in the communities we serve.”