She refuses to let a heart-stopping moment slow her
Nov 2, 2018
A year after sudden cardiac arrest at age 37, mom-artist Amy Cavaliere is creating "Heartwood."
Nov 2, 2018
A year after sudden cardiac arrest at age 37, mom-artist Amy Cavaliere is creating "Heartwood."
Oct 24, 2018
Hip-hop musician's strong will and desire to inspire keeps her going after two brain aneurysms and a stroke.
Oct 19, 2018
A Philadelphia health network executive had a heart attack and made his family drive past three hospitals to get him to the only one he trusted – his own.
Oct 11, 2018
With their son now thriving after being born with severe heart defects, Colorado family now advocates for more research.
Oct 3, 2018
Leah Huss knew she was having a heart attack. She recognized the symptoms from her first one.
Sep 26, 2018
Given only a 30 percent chance of ever walking or talking, 8-year-old Maggie Maine sings, dances, even plays the piano.
Sep 18, 2018
A near-fatal cardiac arrest during a two-day bike ride inspired a successful businessman to chart a new course.
Sep 12, 2018
A hole in Tabitha Ellis’ heart held her back when she was young, but surgery and a will to do what other kids did gave her the motivation to get active and inspire others as a teen and into early adulthood.
Sep 7, 2018
New England Patriots fan on heart transplant waiting list got a boost from meeting her favorite player.
Sep 5, 2018
During an eighth-grade spelling bee, Emma Baker went into cardiac arrest. Her heart didn't beat for 45 minutes.