Drone-delivered AEDs fly a step closer to saving lives
Nov 15, 2019
Canadian research shows drone AEDs can work in real-world conditions and get help to cardiac arrest patients in rural areas faster than traditional EMS.
Nov 15, 2019
Canadian research shows drone AEDs can work in real-world conditions and get help to cardiac arrest patients in rural areas faster than traditional EMS.
Nov 13, 2019
Some people worry performing CPR will expose them to legal risks, but a new study finds cases related to delayed or inadequate CPR are more likely.
Oct 17, 2019
Joe Farrell had witnessed the power of CPR even before his cardiac arrest. Now he wants everyone to know all about the condition and how to be prepared for it.
Sep 27, 2019
After Bill Doss' heart stopped during a round of golf, a doctor playing nearby, firefighters and his son came to his rescue.
Aug 12, 2019
After her mother's heart stopped, a woman's CPR training kicked in – with guidance from a 911 dispatcher.
Jul 10, 2019
A study compared rates of bystander CPR and found black children in poor neighborhoods fared worse than white children.
Jul 9, 2019
A new analysis finds many thousands of additional cases of in-hospital cardiac arrests, but the reason for the change is not clear.
Jun 17, 2019
Drowning is the No. 1 cause of preventable death among young children. Education, vigilance and knowing CPR can help protect them.
Jun 11, 2019
Dr. Alson Inaba spread the idea of using "Stayin' Alive" as a CPR teaching tool, and now he'd like to get funky.
Jun 6, 2019
Jib Street's amazing story already has gone viral. He hopes his awareness campaign will, too.